As president of The Wildlife Trusts Liz and members of the federation travelled to the Netherlands to find out about bold and exciting rewilding projects that are helping nature to recover alongside farmland and urban development.
Liz returns to California to discover how beaver habitats can protect forests from intense wildfires, and to learn from indigenous peoples about the use of cultural burning for building forest resilience and health.
Liz travels to one of the planet’s last great wildernesses, to join the scientists revealing fresh insights about how Arctic wildlife is faring in the face of climate change.
Liz joins an international team of palaeontologists in Wyoming to investigate a dinosaur graveyard filled with fossilised dinosaurs, plants and footprints, that are helping to transform the way we think about the Jurassic.
In the first of this seven-year project documenting our world’s most threatened ecosystems, Liz Bonnin visits the Pacific coast of California, where warming seas have brought with them a new resident, great white sharks.
Liz joins a team of geologists to discover Ireland's epic 1.8 billion-year history: a dynamic journey involving immense collisions, unforgiving ice ages and intense volcanic episodes.
Although the potential impact of climate change is catastrophic, science and nature broadcaster Liz says all the solutions are already within our grasp.